Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Greetings Friends!

Last week when Theodore Trumblebunks invited me to join his network of blogs, he said the following:

“An old acquaintance of mine, Franklin Willington, has added a blog, and will occasionally contribute here, and I will do likewise on his blog.” -Theodore Trumblebunks 6/16/2006

Well I’m proud to say that less than a week later I have Trumblebunks on the run. Today I asked for permission to advertise Wednesday’s with Willington on his blog. He immediately refused. Now this “flip flop” comes from his own blog:

“He's not a flaming liberal like Willington, so I may allow him to post here from time to time instead of on a separate blog.”-Theodore Trumblebunks 6/20/2006

Which is it Trumblebunks? What are you afraid of?

Now he may say that my ability to use his own words against him is something that I was trained to do during my time working for the “liberal media.” Before he even makes this accusation, let me respond. Yes, I Franklin Willington am an accomplished journalist. I admit it.

This is a great day friends. They may have the government, media and really big guns, but we have words.

Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq., I’ve got my eye on you.

-Franklin Willington

p.s. Remember to email your questions for Wednesdays with Willington to franklinwillington@yahoo.com

1 comment:

Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

My readers have come to expect a love for America, which is why I won't let you post on my blog. It's not a permanent ban. It will just last until you love America. Stop trying to spin this, like the rest of the liberal media that's trying to take me down.