Thursday, June 29, 2006

Superman gets it

Greetings Friends

Yesterday morning I put on my spandex Superman suit and went down to the local theatre to see Superman Returns. As I promised in Wednesdays with Willington, here is my review.

Overall the movie was fun and exciting. It really didn’t seem to last as long as it actually does. Thank god for that, sometimes that spandex tends to bunch up while sitting there.

I want to thank Warner Brothers for changing a famous line in order to promote cultural sensitivity. In the old days, Superman was said to stand for “truth, justice and the American way.” In the new movie, it has been changed to “truth, justice, all that stuff.”

Bravo Superman. There’s no need to stand for just the “American way.” I salute you for opening yourself to cultural diversity.

Some may say that it’s just an attempt to appease America haters internationally and get them to see the movie. Why can’t we share our superheroes? Captain America could become Captain International Law.

So fly to go see the new superman movie. Tell Warner Bros. thanks for making Superman more culturally sensitive.

-Franklin Willington


Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Tone down your hatred of America and desire for us to defer to the UN, or I'm going to plant my star-spangled boot up your ass.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Frank Willington, do you know Michael Moore? Y'all would make a good team!!!!

Franklin Willington said...

Michael Moore is a patriot!