Saturday, June 17, 2006

How Franklin Willington is Saving America

Greetings Friends!
I apologize for taking so long to make my first real post, I was late getting home from teaching my weekly cultural sensitivity class. What a moving experience it was this week! I love bringing different cultures together and teaching them to accept their neighbor’s culture. (Hola to my Spanish speaking friends.)

I want to thank my friend Theodore Trumblebunks for inviting me to join his network of blogs. Ted’s rhetoric is dangerous to the American people. He promotes reckless behavior that harms the planet, animals, and also puts our freedom at risk.

In order to give you a better of my understanding of my relationship with Ted, let me tell you how I met him. I was reciting a poem on the plight of the endangered Polar Bear when this idiot comes running into the coffee house wearing nothing more than a star-spangled speedo screaming “Why do you hate America you damn liberal hippies?!?!?!?!” I immediately recognized this man needed an intelligent role model to help shape his mind into one of reason and intellect. Who better than Franklin Willington for such a task?

I’m not one to tout my own accomplishments, but I have spent several semesters at various Ivey League schools across the North East. I also lived in Berkley for a few years, before returning home to the South, where I continue my studies and also spend my time trying to spread progressive ideas to the uneducated. Each year I enjoy spending a few weeks in France sampling some of the worlds most delightful wines and taking in one of the most impressive cultures in the world. Theodore Trumblebunks could learn a few things about culture from the French.

Well friends, I hope you see what we’re up against. I hope to educate people like Theodore over the coming months and show that there is a more peaceful way to live in our global community.

-Franklin Willington

P.S. I am working on getting a Spanish translator so that my blog will be accessible for all Americans.

1 comment:

Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

We speak English here. You're on the verge of a boot up your ass.

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.