Saturday, September 16, 2006

Wednesday with Willington Weekend Edition

Greetings friends,

I apologize once again for my lateness. I recently started a new job to go along with my educational responsibilities. As you all know, there's only so much of Franklin to go around.

But alas, I bring you the late edition of Wednesday with Willington

This week, Teddy asks:

Willington, Sunday, Vice President Cheney said that the Bush Administration has done a "helluva job" in fighting the war on terror. Do you agree, or do you wish to appease the terrorists?

What do you think I want Teddy? If we appease them, they will realize that we're really not that bad. Then they won't attack us anymore. Take an international relations class Ted.

That's it for this week. Keep the questions coming
-Franklin Willington

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