Friday, September 08, 2006

Teddy Trumblebumpkins is on the Run!!!!

Greetings friends,

Today is a great day for America. Conservatives in congress admitted that some of the evidence that led to our war with Iraq was "fabricated." Let's face it, Bush lied, and finally republicans are seeing it.

Teddy Trumblebumpkins on his blog today while talking about the war in Iraq, mentioned all "that shit" that our boys are fighting in. If the war was going well, there wouldn't be shit. At last, Trumblebumpkins admits that we are not winning the war.

I want Teddy to join me in calling for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. Let's get someone into office who can clean "that shit" up. It's time to cut through the doublespeak and let's get someone who is going to be honest with us, like Al Franken.

I, Franklin Willington, call for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation. I also support Al Franken for Secretary of Defense. Join me in my call.

-Franklin Willington


Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

You misread me, Willington. By "the shit," I'm talking about the proverbial mud and muck of war. War is hell. By not empathizing with our soldiers, you weaken them and strengthen the opposition.

Also, by questioning our command and our Defense Secretary, you further embolden the enemy. We're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here.

Willington, why do you hate America and our soldiers?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

Anonymous said...

Why do you and every other friggin liberal and "fake Republican" keep picking on Donald Rumsfeld? I'm surprised you aren't picking on Condolezza Rice or anyone else. Rumsfeld created the all-volunteer military, and plus, has the honor of being both the youngest and oldest person to serve as Defense Secretary. Y'all should quit using him as a tool to get people to change their direction. Have you no soul? In fact, you liberals are doing the same thing the Republicans did to Clinton during his sex scandal.

Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Anonymous, you're spot-on here. Rummy has been honored in the past, so the libs should not question him about any of his current decisions. Espcially all of those west-coast, liberal elite retired generals.

Willington, why do you hate America?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.