Tuesday, September 05, 2006

It's that time of the year

Greetings friends,

The town is covered with the smell of grills, jambalaya, and exhaust from traffic grinding to a halt. That's right folks, it's football season. And with football season comes my favorite time of the year: Protest season.

Every year I fire up the Prius, load up my bullhorn and posterboards and head down to LSU to protest the purple and gold confederate flag. You see, some people protest people having the flags, I protest those protesting the right of the protestors to protest.

The rebel flag is a serious issue, which I refuse to take a stand on. You see, I feel that my most important job is not to actually address the real issue, but to find side step that issue, just like Chancellor O'Keefe.

He is a shining example of doing nothing to address an actual issue. He said he's against the flag, but refuses to ban it, straddling the fence like a real patriot. Sean O'Keefe is my idol when it comes to taking a stand for free speech by taking no stand at all.

Sean O'Keefe, a true American Patriot:

-Franklin Willington

1 comment:

Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...

Nice to see you finally posting again, Willington. Any chance of a Wednesdays with Willington?