Friday, March 21, 2008

A House Divided

Greetings Friends,

Disturbing news on the Democratic Primary front. I had my suspicions early on, but it appears the case now that the story about Barack Obama's pastor was planted in the media by the Clinton Campaign.

If the media were to pick up on Hillary's outright admission to pushing the story, her campaign would be doomed. The public does not like outright dirty politics. Apparently she knew enough about it, that she could not even deny knowledge that her campaign was involved.

Politics of this sort will get John McCain elected in November. Hillary needs to tone down the rhetoric or get off the stage. It's time to realize that she has lost. Then Barack and Mike Gravel can battle it out until convention. It's time for a one on one debate between Mike and Barack.

Hillary, it's over. If you want to destroy the party, then keep going. If you want to win, then get out of the way.

-Franklin Willington

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