Sunday, March 23, 2008


Greetings Friends,

Well, I promised a big announcement, and here it is: Franklin Willington Saves the World will now feature a weekly podcast!!!! Yes friends, now the insight that I have provided for you will be available in audio content. I'm aiming to have guests on the show such as our good friend Jack X, and if we can get the technical aspects down, maybe a guest segment from Teddy Trumblebunks.

I am very proud of this new addition to FWSW, and I promise that we will only provide you with the highest quality of news and infotainment. Expect the final version of the initial podcast to be ready by Friday. I will aim for a friday publishing every week Willington Warriors! Here is a sneak peak at the first episode of Franklin Willington Saves the World! (coming soon)

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