Tuesday, June 05, 2007

No Longer We Stand Silent

Greetings Friends!

I apologize once again for the long delay, but back in January, I signed a contract that forced me to take a vow of silence until world peace was achieved. Unfortunately I forgot to let you, my readers know that I was taking this vow before I signed the contract.

I have been looking for a way to communicate with you, Willington's Warriors, for months now, without hope. Just the other day, however I discovered that this contract was written not by my fellow liberals, but by none other than my arch rival Teddy Trumbles. You got me this time Teddy!!!! But never again!

I am relaunching starting tomorrow with a new edition of Wednesdays with Willington! Send your emails to franklinwillington@yahoo.com

-Franklin Willington


Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq. said...


Can we expect another post around Christmas?

-Theodore Trumblebunks, I, Esq.

Anonymous said...

Jack X is back from the mountain. Welcome back, Sir Willington!

Anonymous said...

Ok, you got me, Mr. Willington. I am a bit cranky, so I'll pose one easy question:

Who do you think would make the best president in 2008, and who do you think would make the worst? Be specific and explain your reasons.

Jack X