Thursday, June 07, 2007

The War on Academia

Greetings Friends!

As you all know, I consider myself a lifelong student, and as such I am always trying to increase my vast knowledge of the world around us. I was taking a brief class at the local University recently when something that has scarred me permanently occurred.

I was at an off-campus bookstore purchasing some reading materials, when my personal freedom was violated. When I checked out, the cashier placed an American flag in my bag. Can you believe that? How dare she!!!!!!!

First of all, why assume that I'm an American? Just because I live here and have no foreign accent is no reason to jump to conclusions. What if I were Canadian? What honest Canadian would want an American flag forced on them? No one can force me, or any other American or foreigner to take an American flag. I was so outraged that I wanted to burn that flag right there, but I did not.

After calmer heads prevailed I realized that someone probably paid the bookstore to plant that flag in my bag so that I would burn it and thus come under attack once more from the America First God Squad. It was probably Trumblebunks himself. So what did I do? I ran home and I hoisted that flag as high as I could in protest of this travesty and all of our governments policies.

I encourage all of you Willington Warriors protest the War on Academia by finding a flag and making it seen. Show that you disagree with our nations policies by displaying the very flag that those policies have disgraced. We will prevail!

America is no place for patriotism!

-Franklin Willington


Brook said...

Don't you think you took it a bit personally?
I also think that someone paid her to do that (maybe her employer:O)
It was probably a good gesture

Franklin Willington said...

Thanks for checking out the blog babsido!

And yes, I do take it personally, because individual rights are personal. We won't save the world by failing to stand up against the oppression of patriotism!

Hope you'll come back to the blog again!
-Franklin Willington